Friday, October 22, 2010

Almost Halloween!!

Well, it is almost Halloween! That is one of our favorite holidays, and we can hardly wait! The kids are still deciding on their halloween costumes, but I think they have it narrowed down. Cameron is going back and forth between Scream and Bumblebee from Transformers. Mikayla has decided on being a Gangster Girl and Alyssa has chosen to be a Pirate Princess. Their costumes are really cute, we just need to add the make up (for the girls) and we are ready to go! We are leaving tomorrow for Texas to see the grandmas. We are all excited about seeing them, and I know they are anxious to see us. We will be back in Colorado for Halloween, which is a good thing, because the kids have a lot planned for that night! One of our neighbors is making a haunted house for the kids, so of course we have to go over there. While we are in Texas, Bouke and I have promised the girls that we would take them to see Paranormal Activity 2. Bouke and I saw the first one in the theatre, but the girls didn't see it until it was out on DVD, not really the same. We saw the trailer with the girls when we went to the midnight showing of Eclipse, so we have been waiting ever since June. I guess we will have to leave Cameron with Nana, because there is no way he can sit through that movie!

The girls have finished their first quarter today, and their grades are really good. We are very proud of all of the progress they have all made, and how well they are doing. Cameron has been enjoying the first part of his fall break without his sisters bothering him. He has been playing hard with his friends in the neighborhood, but has yet to sleep in! He is still usually up at 6:00 in the morning!

I am really considering going back to school in the first of the year for my nutritional degree. I have learned so much about nutrition lately and I would love to teach people how to take better care of themselves through their diet and hopefully can get them off of all medications. We need to concentrate more on well care in this country and not so much on sick care. Okay, so that was my little political speech for the day! LOL Well, it is Friday night, so we are going out to dinner. I have been dying for Pei Wei all day! I will post some pictures from Texas at our next update and of course, the pictures from Halloween!!


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