Sunday, October 10, 2010

It Is Almost Time For A Trip To See The Family!

We headed to Mount Evans yesterday since we FINALLY had a little bit of snow on the mountains. And guess what, they CLOSED the freaking mountain!!! Ok, so they didn't close the mountain, but they did close the ranger station at the base of the mountain, which meant we couldn't even make it to Summit Lake. We did stop at Echo Lake at the base of the mountain, and it was beautiful. Well, this is Cameron's last week of school for the month of October beginning tomorrow. He has a two week fall break and will be home with us for a solid week without his sisters to annoy the mess out of him. The girls have two weeks of school left before their fall break, since they are finishing up their first quarter of middle school. We decided to head back to Texas for the week that all three of them will be off of school, but haven't confirmed with the Grandmas yet. We kind of want to surprise them. I think my mom could use the good surprise with all that she has been going through with my Aunt's breast cancer diagnosis. Hopefully, we can see the whole family while we are down there. We thought we would leave that Saturday morning early and drive straight through. We have to be back here in time for Halloween, so that would give us almost a full week down in Texas. It will be great to see everyone again, and I hope we have a good drama-free visit. Margaret is coming over for dinner next Sunday since she will be little man free, so I am planning on making her a big dinner to thank her for all that she has done for us. I am really looking forward to it. She hasn't been over for a few weeks, and I really like visiting with her. She is so sweet, and I love visiting with her. She and I should head out one night for a girl's night out, but this will do until then. Well, fall is definitely in the air here, I just hope it isn't hot and sticky when we go back to Texas. The kids are excited about the trip back, and so is Gracie, she has really missed her Grandmas! I will have updates and pictures from our trip as soon as we get back!


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