Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fall Break

Wow! I can't believe that the kid's first quarter of school is almost over! Cameron has his fall break from school beginning this Monday, and he will be off for two weeks. He has been doing such a good job at school, and we couldn't be happier! He has the most AMAZING teacher this year, and I just can't say enough good things about her. He has adjusted so well to his new school, and their very high expectations. He really does enjoy school and has a ton of new friends. The girls have one more week of school and then they are out for a week. They began school a week later than Cameron, so they have a slightly different schedule. Both girls are doing very well in school and we are so excited about their teachers and what they are learning. We FINALLY have them in a school where critical thinking is being taught. They are being asked to do a lot of great things; for example in Social Studies, Mikayla got to design her own island. She had an NBA themed island, and she did a FANTASTIC job on it. She had to have different physical features, name them, and then explain how the features impacted her island's weather, climate and population. She really did a great job on it, and we were very proud of her. She is also taking art this year, and is doing VERY well in it as well. She is changing so much, and really growing up. She is such an intelligent young lady and she is really shining this year in ways that we have never seen before!! Alyssa is also doing well in school. Being in 8th grade is definitely harder than she expected, but she is handeling it very well, especially with the very demanding academic school she is in. She has been put into the advanced reading book club that she has in her language arts class and has even had to read The Odyssey and pick out certain aspects of the story and be able to not only explain them, but be able to relate them to current situations in society. They are simply doing great, and we are both so very proud of them!

Bouke is going strong with his new addition to his business of stock trading and promoting. He is so good at picking successful stock picks and is really hitting the campaign hard with Twitter and Face Book accounts. I am so proud of all of the work he is doing, and that he is really enjoying adding a new aspect of business to his existing company. Now for the part of this update, that I am proud of. I am writing an advice article for the Dever area Examiner website. I am the relationship/marriage expert for the area. I write a new column almost daily, and really enjoy doing it. It has been great fun to really research and examine relationships and write about them to help people through difficult times. or simply show them ways to amp up their marriage and relationships. We are heading down to Texas while all three kids are on break to visit the family. It will be great to see them and spend some time with them. I am even not minding the drive down which is something that I usually can't stand! LOL That is about all that is happening here in the lovely state of Colorado with the Hale family; stay tuned for more updates and pictures!!


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