Monday, November 1, 2010

Back From Texas

Well, we spent a week down in Texas with all of the Grandmas. We had a good time visiting and catching up with everyone. As you can see, Memaw had a blast! Nana needed me to fix her a pot of jambalaya, so the first day we were down there, I headed out to the store to get the ingredients to make a pot. While we were at the store, Bouke and I picked up a bottle of our favorite Texas wine to have with dinner. Apparently Memaw liked it a lot too, because she got a little silly on it! The girls had a lot of fun teasing her about it too. We even posted some of the pictures on FaceBook, which made her VERY happy! Mom's new house is really nice and she is very happy there. Oma is getting ready to move into her new home as well. She is very excited about it, and we were able to help her get somethings ready for the move as well. Bouke got his mexican food fix at one of his favorite restaurants when we were down there too. We left in time though to make it back to Colorado for the kids to Trick or Treat. Alyssa decided to be a vampire cheerleader, Mikayla was a zombie, and Cameron was a skeleton. We did their make up and put their costumes together, and they looked great! They had a lot of fun trick or treating and ended up with a lot of candy. Bouke took videos of the kids and emailed it to the Grandmas. School started up again today and it was back to reality for them. Cameron didn't feel well though, so we had to pick him up from school this morning. He is doing better this afternoon though, so he will be back at it soon too. I can't believe that October is already over and that it is November with Thanksgiving right around the corner! Holy cow, where does the time go!


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