Saturday, August 28, 2010

We are FINALLY here!!

I know it has been awhile since I have made an entry, but we have been crazy busy. We FINALLY had the movers out last Wednesday. They left with our stuff very late Wednesday night, so they didn't make it to Colorado until Monday morning. We hung out in Texas until Sunday morning, and then we left early and began our move to Colorado! We had a few things in the bed of the truck that we wanted to take with us, so we covered it with a tarp for the trip in case we ran into rain; however, even though we tied it down with rope and bungee cords, the tarp kept blowing up and whacking the back of the truck. So we had to use duct tape to secure the tarp. Holy cow!! Did we look like a bunch of rednecks that packed up and moved to Bever-ly! But, thankfully, the tape held, and we made it to where our hotel was at a reasonable hour. Speaking of the hotel, we forgot to check if they accepted dogs, since of course we had Gracie with us. Yeah, well they didn't; so we got stuck sneaking her in in her carrier like some illegal form of contra ban. Thank goodness she is such a good dog, or we would've been totally busted. The hotel was nice though, and after the 800 plus miles we drove, the bed was nice and comfortable. The next morning we ate breakfast and waited for the movers to call us to give us their ETA. It wasn't too long before we heard from them, so we finished up breakfast, ran back up to our room, got our stuff together, and smuggled Gracie back out to the car. Monday was a blur as we directed the movers to where to put boxes and items of furniture. The altitude is something we all have to get used to, and so we were pretty worn out by the time the movers left. We cleared a pathway to our beds, unpacked the essentials so we could sleep, and headed out to eat dinner. Tuesday was spent getting the kids registered for school, Wednesday was spent unpacking the kitchen (always my hardest room) and buying school supplies. Thursday was the kids first day of school. Cameron was nervous; but had met his teacher the day before and really seems to like her. The girls were really nervous about middle school, but they got the schedules they wanted, and had someone show them around. They all three seemed to have a really good first day, and we were very happy about it. We met friends for swimming today, and then went out to dinner. The kids are completely worn out with our first week in Colorado, but they all seem to really like it. I am so glad we are finally here, and beginning this new chapter in our lives. Here is to making new memories; and many more fun times!!


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