Monday, August 16, 2010


Holy cow, it is Monday, and the movers will be here on Wednesday!! I can't believe we are finally at this point. I am cautiously excited about our move. I can remember six years ago when we moved to Chicago and on the day we left, I was ready for the move. But I remember the days before when the nerves kicked in; were we doing the right thing? Were we going to be ok? How was I going to find my way around Chicago? Were the kids going to meet new/good friends quickly? The list went on and on. When we moved back to Texas, I cried the night we left, not sure we were doing the right thing completely going back. Now, it 48 hours before the movers are packing us up; and I am trying to keep my nerves at bay. There has been so much stress the past few months, that part of me is SO ready to get on with this. But of course, I am worried about silly things like finding my way around town, and more important things, like school for the kids and how they will adjust. They are older now, so I hope that they get in with the right group of kids. I am sure they will, they are such good kids, but I am a mom and I worry. I am happy about having someone we already know though in the area, that will help a lot. I guess my biggest concern is will I like it as much as I did in Chicago? I LOVE Chicago, and I am more an East Coast person; while Bouke is the West Coast type. It was my idea to move to Colorado, so I guess I will have to own it. I will approach this the same way as I did when we first moved to Chicago though, I can either choose to be miserable, or I can choose to be happy, and I make the choice to be happy. The kids are excited, Bouke is excited, and I am too. So ready or not Colorado here we come!!


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