Thursday, August 19, 2010

Holy Cow, we are FINALLY moving!

Ok, so we have talked about it, planned, looked, signed, and packed, and here it is.....the day is FINALLY here!! We had the movers out yesterday in 104* heat loading the stuff up. It was SO hot, but they got things done quickly with the 3 guys that they brought. They will be at our new address tomorrow afternoon, so we are leaving later today after one more Mexican food fix. We will have to stay in a hotel tonight and drive the rest of the way tomorrow. Have to get all squared away for the most part over the weekend since we have to get the kids ready for school starting Monday. We can't even see Cameron's school supply list, so I have no idea what he even needs until we get there. Which makes me crazy by the way. Bouke keeps telling me to relax, which I can't even do during a massage!! Seriously, I have to be the only person I know who has to remind herself to relax while I am getting a massage. Sick I know. But I like to plan things out, especially when we are doing a huge move like this, and starting a new school/school year at the same time. I have to get all of their paperwork together and we have to go talk to Cameron's teachers, prepare Mikayla for beginning middle school, and prepare Alyssa for her last year of middle school. I am nervous for them, and nervous that they are getting older and I know that I have to start letting go some. I know they aren't babies anymore, but things are so different now from when we were in school, and kids can be evil; I just worry. You know how it is?? Mama Bear. Anyway, we have a 13 hour drive a head of us with 3 kids and the puppy, but it isn't anything we haven't tackled before. I am ready to go, the kids are ready to go, Bouke was ready to go before we even moved back here. However, this time is a little different; my mother is moving and my mother-in-law is moving too. My mother has been in the same house for a LONG time. I grew up in the house she is leaving, so it is surreal this time. I know when we come back for Thanksgiving, I won't be coming 'home'. We will be at "Mom's house". My mother-in-law has been in her current house since Bouke was a sophomore in high school, so it is the same for him too. So it is just weird this time. Last time we moved out of state, we could still come 'home' this time it is like we can't. So there are several emotions with this move; some I have felt before, and some I haven't. But I am anxious to get there and start our new lives. Let's just hope this is the last move until Cameron graduates from High School!! Stay tuned for Hale family updates!!


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