Monday, July 26, 2010

On our way....... (soon I hope!)

Bouke and I decided awhile ago to leave Texas and move. I literally sat down and did a Google search for the Top 10 places to live in the US. Now, I would move back to Chicago in a heartbeat, but their economy is so messed up right now, we aren't so sure it is the best idea for us. When I did the search, one of the places that came up was Colorado. Now, Bouke went to college in Colorado, and he loves the west, so we thought it might be a good place to look at. We took the kids there for Spring Break, and they loved it. We stayed in Golden, but went through a lot of the Denver area. We hung out downtown, saw the Capitol. went shopping, drove up through Boulder and to Estes Park. The kids loved the mountains and the snow, and decided not too long after we got back to Texas that they wouldn't mind moving to the Denver area. Now, hopefully, we are getting closer to leaving Texas and moving to the Mile High city. Bouke and I miss doing things with the kids that we did when we lived in Chicago, and Denver seems to offer a lot of the same things and more. We are excited about going, so keep your fingers crossed that we are out of here soon, and back to our little family in the next few weeks. God willing, it will be soon!!


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