Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I get a day with my boy!!

Well, today is a day that I don't get very often; I get a day all to myself with my son. Bouke had to go out of town for the day for his company, my mother and grandmother are doing somethings together, and the girls are going to the mall and to a movie with their other grandmother. This leaves me and Cameron to hang out together!! I have a few things to do but then I think I will take my little guy to go get some yogurt for lunch and then maybe head to the Library. He is so much fun to hang out with, and doesn't get much one on one time with us and we would like to have. Tomorrow, the girls will be here, and he will be the one with the grandma, so I guess I will get to hang out with the girls tomorrow as well. Our lives have been so crazy the past few months, it will be nice to be in Colorado where the 5 of us can be a real family again. This period of transition for us has been difficult to say the least, but it is only a temporary thing, and it is something that we definitely get through. They say what doesn't kill us, only makes us stronger, and I think we are all Silestone tough now! But, for today, I am happy to be with my Pooh Bear eating frozen yogurt and hearing about his latest Lego artwork piece. Cameron has become fascinated with Lego artist Nathan Sawaya. He has been looking at this pieces on Google images and on You Tube. He has made some very good replicas of Mario and Sonic, a Nintendo, busses, and trains himself. We are very proud of him, and he is very good at it! Anyway, I better wrap this up and make sure the girls are ready to go, so Cameron and I can head out. Mommy time!!!!


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