Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I am very pleased today!!

Well, in the midst of trying to secure our final landing place in Colorado, helping my mother pack up 30 plus years and move to a new house, getting the kids registered and ready for school, and help my husband with his business (oh and keep a marriage and family afloat), I had to call the school district our kids will be in when we get to Colorado. My darling husband and I are getting a bit nervous. Trying to find the right house from 800 miles away isn't easy, and doing it while playing "Beat the Clock" with a start of school deadline is even harder. School starts for them in the next few weeks, so I needed to call the district office and talk to someone who could help to answer some last minute questions we had. We've done this before, so it wasn't a huge deal, but since we have done this before, it is a huge deal. Several years ago when we moved from Texas to Illinois, I called the school district and the elementary school our daughters would be attending. I talked to them, and everything sounded Kosher. However, once we got in there, we had a few issues with some things. Then we bought a new house and had to move to another district, which was to put into one word...DISASTROUS! That was actually one of the main reasons we moved back to Texas. Now, I called again things seemed cool, and about 7 months into school when all hell broke loose. However, now that we have decided to move to the beautiful state of Colorado, I have made another call to what has been described by several sources as "The Best District In The State", to ask some additional questions before we register the kids. I talked to the Administration building, and the lady I talked to in the curriculum department was VERY nice. She gave me phone numbers, put my mind at ease about a lot of issues, and was very accommodating. It was so nice to talk to her, and not feel like I was being rushed off the phone, or made to feel ignorant, or that I was putting her out to answer some questions for us. Now, I just hope that it all holds, and that we are as happy with these schools for a long time to come, because we really don't want to move again, until Cameron is out of High School. Then we have to move to wherever they go to college! Ha ha ha! However, for now, Mama Bear is satiated, but still has her fingers crossed for a good school year, and several to come.


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