Thursday, July 29, 2010

Had To Share....

I had to post the picture of Cameron eating his Orange Dream yogurt at Yogurtville yesterday during our "Mom-Son Day". He was such a little gentleman while we were there, he even remembered to take his Cubs baseball cap off when we walked into the store and sat at the table. He opened the door for me, and handed me the cup to put the yogurt in first. I am so proud of my little gentleman!! Daddy sure did a good job teaching him how to be respectful!! I love my boy!!!!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I get a day with my boy!!

Well, today is a day that I don't get very often; I get a day all to myself with my son. Bouke had to go out of town for the day for his company, my mother and grandmother are doing somethings together, and the girls are going to the mall and to a movie with their other grandmother. This leaves me and Cameron to hang out together!! I have a few things to do but then I think I will take my little guy to go get some yogurt for lunch and then maybe head to the Library. He is so much fun to hang out with, and doesn't get much one on one time with us and we would like to have. Tomorrow, the girls will be here, and he will be the one with the grandma, so I guess I will get to hang out with the girls tomorrow as well. Our lives have been so crazy the past few months, it will be nice to be in Colorado where the 5 of us can be a real family again. This period of transition for us has been difficult to say the least, but it is only a temporary thing, and it is something that we definitely get through. They say what doesn't kill us, only makes us stronger, and I think we are all Silestone tough now! But, for today, I am happy to be with my Pooh Bear eating frozen yogurt and hearing about his latest Lego artwork piece. Cameron has become fascinated with Lego artist Nathan Sawaya. He has been looking at this pieces on Google images and on You Tube. He has made some very good replicas of Mario and Sonic, a Nintendo, busses, and trains himself. We are very proud of him, and he is very good at it! Anyway, I better wrap this up and make sure the girls are ready to go, so Cameron and I can head out. Mommy time!!!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I am very pleased today!!

Well, in the midst of trying to secure our final landing place in Colorado, helping my mother pack up 30 plus years and move to a new house, getting the kids registered and ready for school, and help my husband with his business (oh and keep a marriage and family afloat), I had to call the school district our kids will be in when we get to Colorado. My darling husband and I are getting a bit nervous. Trying to find the right house from 800 miles away isn't easy, and doing it while playing "Beat the Clock" with a start of school deadline is even harder. School starts for them in the next few weeks, so I needed to call the district office and talk to someone who could help to answer some last minute questions we had. We've done this before, so it wasn't a huge deal, but since we have done this before, it is a huge deal. Several years ago when we moved from Texas to Illinois, I called the school district and the elementary school our daughters would be attending. I talked to them, and everything sounded Kosher. However, once we got in there, we had a few issues with some things. Then we bought a new house and had to move to another district, which was to put into one word...DISASTROUS! That was actually one of the main reasons we moved back to Texas. Now, I called again things seemed cool, and about 7 months into school when all hell broke loose. However, now that we have decided to move to the beautiful state of Colorado, I have made another call to what has been described by several sources as "The Best District In The State", to ask some additional questions before we register the kids. I talked to the Administration building, and the lady I talked to in the curriculum department was VERY nice. She gave me phone numbers, put my mind at ease about a lot of issues, and was very accommodating. It was so nice to talk to her, and not feel like I was being rushed off the phone, or made to feel ignorant, or that I was putting her out to answer some questions for us. Now, I just hope that it all holds, and that we are as happy with these schools for a long time to come, because we really don't want to move again, until Cameron is out of High School. Then we have to move to wherever they go to college! Ha ha ha! However, for now, Mama Bear is satiated, but still has her fingers crossed for a good school year, and several to come.

Monday, July 26, 2010

On our way....... (soon I hope!)

Bouke and I decided awhile ago to leave Texas and move. I literally sat down and did a Google search for the Top 10 places to live in the US. Now, I would move back to Chicago in a heartbeat, but their economy is so messed up right now, we aren't so sure it is the best idea for us. When I did the search, one of the places that came up was Colorado. Now, Bouke went to college in Colorado, and he loves the west, so we thought it might be a good place to look at. We took the kids there for Spring Break, and they loved it. We stayed in Golden, but went through a lot of the Denver area. We hung out downtown, saw the Capitol. went shopping, drove up through Boulder and to Estes Park. The kids loved the mountains and the snow, and decided not too long after we got back to Texas that they wouldn't mind moving to the Denver area. Now, hopefully, we are getting closer to leaving Texas and moving to the Mile High city. Bouke and I miss doing things with the kids that we did when we lived in Chicago, and Denver seems to offer a lot of the same things and more. We are excited about going, so keep your fingers crossed that we are out of here soon, and back to our little family in the next few weeks. God willing, it will be soon!!