Wednesday, May 18, 2011

13 Days Left.......

I can't believe that we are on the last stretch to the end of the school year. Alyssa has a lot going on for the end of 8th grade. She has a dinner and dance for the end of the year. The dinner is being catered and the dance even has a theme; "An Evening In New York" . Alyssa is wearing a beautiful royal blue dress, and we even found a nail polish that matches perfectly. We are going to get her a pair of shoes dyed to match and then head over to Charming Charlie's for some accessories. She is going to look absolutely beautiful! Not that she doesn't every day, but this will be extra special.

The following Monday she has her graduation ceremony and then she and the rest of the 8th grade will head off to Elitch Gardens for the day. She is very excited about hanging out for the day with all of her friends and teachers. I still can't believe that she is going to be in High School next year. It still seems so surreal.

Mikayla has been working on a project for her science class since January. She has to give a presentation for the entire 6th grade, the deans, the teachers, parents and the principal next week. She has to dress up for this, and that is the funny part. She can't wear jeans or shorts, she has to wear a dress, so we are heading over to Hollister this Saturday to get her something to wear. Thankfully she likes the dresses there, so this won't be such a fight. Mikayla isn't really the dress wearing type. She had her first volleyball game Tuesday night and she made two points for the team. They did really well, and we have another game tomorrow. She really likes playing on the team and is doing really well.

Cameron has to go to school a little longer. Since he had a two week fall and spring break, he has to go to school until the 15th. He is okay with that though, and hasn't complained too much about it. He did really well on his science fair project and on his animal research project on the red wolf. He is doing well in school and really does have a ton of friends. The last time we were at his school with the girls Alyssa was shocked at how popular her little brother is. I don't know why she is surprised, because all of her friends LOVE him, including hugging him every time they see him and texting him often. He will love that when he gets a few years older.

Bouke just returned from a business trip to Miami and has decided we need to take the kids to Florida this summer. We did some checking around and found that we could get some good prices on tickets, so we are heading to Orlando in July for a family vacation. We will have a slight layover in Dallas, so we can drop Gracie off with her Grandmas. We are taking the kids to Disney, Busch Gardens, Sea World and the beach. It should be a lot of fun and we both are really looking forward to taking the kids on this trip. They are super excited about it too, and once the countdown for the end of school is over, I am sure the countdown to Florida will start.

Nana and Meamaw are coming up for a few weeks next month and then we are going to head down to Texas again for a few weeks. The summer will be full, but it will also be a lot of fun!

That is all that is going on in the world of The Hale's. I will post pictures of the girls in the next update


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