Saturday, April 2, 2011

Spring Break!!

We headed down to Texas for Spring Break to see all the family and had a really good visit. We got to see everyone, and Aunt Kathy looks really good. It was 87 when we landed on Saturday, which was quite different from our weather in Colorado. But, the next several days were cool and in the 50's. Since it was overcast and drizzly, it was nice. Thankfully it wasn't to hot.

We got our mexican food and margarita fix, and Bouke had some business to tend to down in Houston, so it was just me, the kids and the grandmas for a few days. We headed to buy shoes, and then we headed to Sam Moon to get some ankle bracelets for the girls and some bows for their hair. They also got to go shopping at Hollister for their early birthday gifts, and came home and modeled all of their new outfits.

Bouke got to go see an old friend for coffee, and catch up with him, and I was able to meet an old friend for dinner and margaritas. We had a lot of fun, and I was even able to meet her two lovely boys.

All went very well, until this morning as we were getting ready to leave for the airport. Bouke got a text on his phone letting us know that our flight had been canceled. I can't believe that they sent that message 2 hours before the flight was scheduled to take off. So we had to call our rental car company and extend the car for a day, and had to scramble to get on another flight tomorrow morning. I guess the good thing is the flight tomorrow leaves early so we will be home early, but the catch is we are expecting 5 inches of snow tomorrow, and all we have is short sleeve shirts and no coats. So that does totally suck. Hopefully, it will hold off until we get home.

All in all our spring break was really good, and we will still make it back in time for the girls to get ready for school Monday. Cameron has another week off, so he will get to sleep in and enjoy some time with his friends. Thank you again Texas for a lovely time, and we will see you again this summer!


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