Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Science Fair

Tonight is Cameron's science fair at school. He did the best job on his project. He took some old baby teeth that we had saved and placed one tooth into Dr. Pepper, Pepsi, Coke, Mountain Dew, Sprite and distilled water to see what the effects of soft drinks has on teeth. He did the whole experiment for a week and a half and the results were pretty disgusting! The teeth in the darker sodas turned black, the mountain dew tooth turned bright yellow, and the sprite tooth turned a chalky white and shriveled up. He had a lot of fun taking it into school on Monday. He said that all of his classmates were really grossed out by the experiment. He did such a good job on it and we are very proud of him. He has to explain his project to some high school students tonight, so he is a little worried about that, but he will do fine.

Mikayla finished up her project on Aztec human sacrifices and that was pretty gross as well. We learned several things about the rituals that were disturbing. She did a great job on it though and I am sure she will get an "A" on it. It was very colorful, and had a ton of facts about all of it. I never knew how many sacrifices the Aztecs performed, and to be honest, historians aren't even 100% sure of the number. It was an interesting project, however morbid it was!

Alyssa is getting ready for her 8th grade graduation/dinner/dance. We got her the most beautiful royal blue dress to wear. We have decided to dye some shoes platinum and I found some nail polish that was the exact same metallic royal blue for her nails and toes, so I am sure we will head over to the nail salon the weekend before. We will also head over to Charming Charlie to see what other 'bling' we can find to complete the outfit. She has been looking at hair ideas too. I have no doubt she will be amazingly beautiful!

That is all that has been happening in our world, I will post some more pictures on the next update!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Crazy, Busy, Beautiful!!

I can't believe that April is almost over and that May is just around the corner. Spring Break is over for all three kids and they are all now back in school. You would think that things would be a little quieter, but that isn't the case. Things are crazy and in full swing as we have headed into the last quarter of the year. The kids are in their last minute push for projects, tryouts and volleyball games. They have new enrichment classes this quarter, but they all seem to be enjoying them. Cameron's teacher is due to have her first baby next week, so we will miss Mrs. Williams for 6 weeks while she is welcoming her new daughter. She plans on coming back for the last few weeks of school, but we will really miss her while she is gone.

We ended up at the Cherry Cricket for hamburgers our first Friday back in Colorado from our trip. Mikayla really wanted a hamburger all week, so we honored her request with the best hamburgers ever! Speaking of Mikayla, her 12th birthday is in 10 days! I can't believe she is already that big, and I am so proud of how beautiful she is inside and out. She is gearing up for Volleyball season and I am sure she will do excellent and her team will do well too. Her basketball team was undefeated, and I am sure the same will happen with this team.

Cameron is finishing up his science fair project. He has taken real human teeth and placed them in different sodas to see the effect of the soda (and all the chemicals) has on your teeth. It is a totally gross project but it is also totally cool! We are having a lot of fun seeing what the effects are and recording the data. He also has an animal project due next month that he is doing on Red Wolves. He has to do all of the research, complete a book and do a power point presentation as well. He is doing a great job on that as well!! He also has a play based on the book The True Story of the Three Little Pigs that the entire 4th grade has written and produced. He even has a few lines. They have also written the music, so we are anxious about seeing that too!

Miss Alyssa has been doing a clinic at the high school for the Poms team. She is trying out next week, and she is excited about it. I am super nervous about her trying out, because I know how much she wants this, but I am trying to act like I'm not. I can't watch her tryout, but I will be up at the school waiting for her, as she will find out that day. So I will be at the high school nervously awaiting the results. I know she is amazing and I know she will do fine, I just don't like worrying about it. It totally sucks when they get older and you can't protect them 24/7. So please keep your fingers crossed and keep her in your prayers.

Well, that is all that is going on with The Hales this week. We will keep everyone posted as to what is happening next!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Spring Break!!

We headed down to Texas for Spring Break to see all the family and had a really good visit. We got to see everyone, and Aunt Kathy looks really good. It was 87 when we landed on Saturday, which was quite different from our weather in Colorado. But, the next several days were cool and in the 50's. Since it was overcast and drizzly, it was nice. Thankfully it wasn't to hot.

We got our mexican food and margarita fix, and Bouke had some business to tend to down in Houston, so it was just me, the kids and the grandmas for a few days. We headed to buy shoes, and then we headed to Sam Moon to get some ankle bracelets for the girls and some bows for their hair. They also got to go shopping at Hollister for their early birthday gifts, and came home and modeled all of their new outfits.

Bouke got to go see an old friend for coffee, and catch up with him, and I was able to meet an old friend for dinner and margaritas. We had a lot of fun, and I was even able to meet her two lovely boys.

All went very well, until this morning as we were getting ready to leave for the airport. Bouke got a text on his phone letting us know that our flight had been canceled. I can't believe that they sent that message 2 hours before the flight was scheduled to take off. So we had to call our rental car company and extend the car for a day, and had to scramble to get on another flight tomorrow morning. I guess the good thing is the flight tomorrow leaves early so we will be home early, but the catch is we are expecting 5 inches of snow tomorrow, and all we have is short sleeve shirts and no coats. So that does totally suck. Hopefully, it will hold off until we get home.

All in all our spring break was really good, and we will still make it back in time for the girls to get ready for school Monday. Cameron has another week off, so he will get to sleep in and enjoy some time with his friends. Thank you again Texas for a lovely time, and we will see you again this summer!