Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!

We are back in Texas for Thanksgiving and have had a really good time so far! We came in early (Saturday evening) so we would have a chance to visit everyone and help with all of the preparations for Thanksgiving dinner. Gracie wasn't a great traveler this time around though. She has made every trip with us since she was a puppy, and this was the first time we ever had any trouble with her. She had her comprehensive snout to tail check up the day before we left and ended up having to have 8 teeth extracted, so I guess that is why she was so fussy. She whined the whole way here, and that is something that she has never done. There was another dog on the plane and he was so good. I told Gracie she needed to take notes! Hopefully, she won't be crabby on our way back home.

We were here early enough to spend my birthday with all of the grandmas too. We ended up going to Copeland's and had the best dinner ever. We of course got the onion mum, and I got my First Kiss martini and the garlic fillet with a potato and banana's foster for desert. It was AMAZINGLY good, and so was Bouke's creole and his Crash and Burn. The only Copeland's left in Texas is in South Lake at the Marriott, so we had a little bit of a drive. It was worth it because it was SOOOOOO good, and the hotel was already decorated for Christmas. Bouke and I had our traditional margaritas at Mexi-Go the first night we got in, and left the kids with Nana. We ate at the Prairie House and La Finca as well, so our tour of food has been complete. Mom and I have been cooking all day, so we have decided we are doing take out tonight, so Bouke and I are heading over to the sushi place for some creamy shrimp and california rolls.

Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and everyone will be over early. We are anxious to see Aunt Kathy, Uncle Larry, Granny, Jennifer and Madolyn and I am sure that it will be a nice day. I still have to make the creamed corn, but I don't know if I will be doing that today or tomorrow. I was planning on making some crab dip as well, but I am sure we will have enough food, but I love cooking so much, that when we start doing all of this, I just keep going!

Well, Cameron is now a rank higher in martial arts. We are getting ready to enroll him in black belt training, and he is very excited about that. He will get the black uniform too, and he is excited about being very ninja! Alyssa and Mikayla are wrapping up their quarters at school when we get back and Alyssa will have her finals right before Christmas break. They are all growing up so fast, and continue to amaze us every day, we are so proud of them!

Well, that is about all that is going on in our world for now. Bouke is heading to Canada to meet up with his business partner when we get back to CO, and his business is rocking and rolling right along! I will write some more later, but until then..........HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!!