Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fall Is Here!!

I am so happy it is finally fall! This is absolutely my favorite time of year! The air is cool, the sky is a beautiful blue, the mountains have snow on the tops, and the leaves are changing color.

In true Hale form, things have been crazy busy around here. School started and the kids LOVE their teachers and classes. Alyssa is adjusting to high school very well, and Mikayla loves having the entire middle school to herself. Cameron is 'king of the hill' being a big fifth grader, and he is looking forward to the 5th grade trip at the end of the year to Snow Mountain.

Mikayla is anxiously awaiting volleyball season as she has decided to only play that sport this year, rather than that and basketball. I was a little surprised to say the least, but she has decided she likes playing that better. She loves her art class in school and just found out that her art teacher is having her first baby. The whole class is excited about it, and they are all offering help and advice to their teacher. She is really growing up, and it is hard to believe that in a few months, she will be a teenager too. Time sure does fly.

Cameron has been Mr. Ninja in his martial arts class! He just had his 2nd test, and is now a full yellow belt. He was SO good during testing, and is doing an amazing job in class. In fact, he is doing so well, that his instructor (and 3rd degree black belt in 4 different types of martial arts) has invited him to enroll in black belt training. This is by invitation only, and we are super proud of him! He is also doing very well in school this year. Last year was quite an adjustment for him coming into such a demanding school, especially after what he had experienced in the past, but he has found his groove this year and is doing very well.

Alyssa has just had her first Homecoming of her high school career. She had a total blast all week! She participated in each spirit day, helped to decorate the hallways at school, went to movie night, the game of course, (they won 17-0!) and the dance. Her dance was a masquerade them, and she said it was the coolest thing she has ever been to! She looked absolutely beautiful in her dress too. I cried, naturally, because she looked so gorgeous! She ended up going to the dance with several of her friends and danced the night away. She spent the night with all of the girls after the dance, so it was a great end to a great week.

Bouke's business is doing very well and getting busier and busier. He and his partner will be going out of town for a few days next month to finalize some new deals and get some new business. He says he isn't looking forward to going, but I know where they are going, and I can't imagine it being a chore!

Things are going well for my new business as well. I have been on several networking sites, have been working with new clients, and gaining more interest from women from across the country about the program. I missed my conference in NYC in September, which is okay, but there is another one coming up next March in California. I am planning on going to that isn't New York, but it is closer!

The kids are looking forward to Halloween and their fall break from school. They have already started asking us about going to the Spirit store to look for costumes and decorations. They are sure to be something scary and gory again this year, so it will be interesting to see what they come up with! They are also looking forward to Paranormal Activity 3 coming out in theaters next month, and they want to go to a midnight showing. The girls are also looking forward to Breaking Dawn part 1 coming out in November, and are already planning to have a group of friends join them at Southlands for a midnight showing, and yes, I will be with them!

Bouke and I have found an awesome local restaurant that is by Cameron's martial arts studio. I love it because they have great sushi and bento boxes for lunch, and Bouke likes their satay, and their peanut curry chicken. I can usually talk him into a lunch date every week or so, so I can get my sushi fix! It is really good, and it is a nice place to go for a quiet lunch. It really helps break up the day!

Well, that is about all of the news from here in Hale world. I am sure things will continue to be hectic, especially when volleyball season comes around and Cameron is going to karate three nights a week! Guess I better rethink drinking coffee in the mornings!