Saturday, August 13, 2011

It Is Back To School Time!!

The kids are all checked in to school, and it is official. We now have a 5th grader, a 7th grader, and a (sigh) freshman in high school. This summer seemed to fly by, but it was one that will not be forgotten. The girls spent a lot of time with their friends this summer hanging out at The Southlands shopping with friends, hanging out by the pool talking, or seeing all the summer's newest movie releases. Then of course was our trip to DisneyWorld and the beach in July.

The kids had so much fun and we even took in a character breakfast with Donald, Goofy and Minnie Mouse. You would've thought Mikayla was eating with Taylor Lautner with the way she reacted to seeing Donald Duck. She about jumped out of her seat. I thought she was going to tackle him if he didn't come see her. We spent a day at Hollywood Studios and the rest of the time at The Magic Kingdom and the beach. It was hot and humid (of course) so it did take a lot out of us, especially coming in from Colorado, but it was still so much fun. The fireworks at Cinderella's castle and their new "Wishes" display and the Tinker Bell fly over was also very cool to see!! The kids had a lot of fun at the beach, and really enjoyed jumping in the waves and the temperature of the water was awesome as well. We all got some good sun, and had a lot of fun in the water.

Cameron has had his back to school night and met his teacher and he seems to be excited to start a new year. He found out he has some friends in his class from last year, so it will be a good transition for him. We even got to stick our head into his old classroom from last year and see Ms. Williams. We sure are going to miss her this year, but are sure he will have just as good of a connection with his new teacher as he did last year.

Mikayla found out she has friends in her classes and she is happy about that as well. She has decided that she isn't going to play basketball this year, and will only play volleyball. I was surprised to hear that, since she had always really liked playing basketball, but I guess volleyball has taken first place in her mind. She is excited about having 3D art this year, so I am sure she will be making some awesome things. She has heard that her homework load will be heavier this year, and I think she is worried about it, but I am sure she will do fine.

Alyssa has freshman orientation this coming Friday. It will be an abbreviated day, but it will allow her to run through her schedule so she will know where all of her classes are when school starts for everyone the following Monday. I really like that the high school does that and offers so much support to their students, both incoming and current. She has dance and french as her electives this semester, and she is excited about both of them. She is nervous, but excited and she also has friends in her classes and that will help ease her mind I'm sure. I think most of it is fear of the unknown, but I am confidant that she will do fine.

I know it has been all summer since I posted anything, but things have been so busy with running the kids around, to their friends being over, to going to Florida, to getting them ready to go back to school, I haven't had much time to blog. Hopefully this short entry will catch everyone up on what has been going on in the Hale world. I will keep my entries more regular now that school is back in session.

P.S. One last note, we now have a higher ranked martial arts man in the family. Cameron took his first belt test the Saturday we returned from Florida and did excellent! He received his higher rank, and has his next belt test at the end of September. Way to go Cameron!!!