Friday, March 11, 2011

Spring Break and Other Items

We are headed into the last few weeks of school before Spring Break. The girls have a week off and Cameron has two weeks off. We are headed to Texas for a week to see the Grandmas and the rest of the family. The kids (and Gracie) are excited about the trip and we are too. We haven't seen everyone since Thanksgiving, so it should be a nice visit.

The girls decided to get their ears pierced again a few weeks ago, so now they have an extra hole in their head. We took them to the mall and waited FOREVER for them to get it done. Apparently it was "let's get our ears pierced" day in Colorado, because we waited in line for close to 2 hours. It was so busy there that there were wall to wall people, plus there were some girls who looked to be about 5th grade doing a scavenger hunt in the mall, so they kept running in and out taking pictures on their phones. Poor Cameron and Daddy had a lesson in patience to learn. Once it was finally done though, the girls were happy and they looked good.

Cameron is now 10 years old! We celebrated his birthday at the Lego store and took him to Pei Wei for dinner. He also requested Cold Stone Creamery for desert, so he got a birthday milkshake. This is the only kid I know that doesn't like cake except the gluten-free chocolate cake I make, so we ended up with ice cream. As long as he was happy, that is all that mattered. He is up to his eyeballs in legos now, and has had a lot of fun building with them.

Alyssa has decided to try out for the dance team at the high school for next year. She is currently involved in a 6-week clinic to learn what they will be expected to do at the tryouts. She doesn't have the actual tryout until the end of next month, so keep your fingers crossed that she makes it. She is such an amazing kid, that I can't imagine her not being offered a spot, but I also know the competition is pretty fierce. They are a championship Pom's team so they can be pretty selective, but she is amazing!

Both girls are gearing up for Volleyball season after Spring Break. Alyssa plays first then Mikayla has her games, so we aren't running the risk of having to have each of them have a game on the same day. I am still trying to find a league for Cameron to play baseball in, but it is harder than I thought it would be, but I haven't given up yet!

Well it looks like spring is around the corner, our weather here has been beautiful, but I also know it can change in the blink of an eye here. We are supposed to be hitting 70* by the middle of next week, but I also know that can change and we can be looking at a foot of snow instead, so I guess we need to enjoy the nice weather while it lasts.

That is all that is happening with The Hale Family here in the beautiful state of Colorado! My next update will be from The Lone Star State!