Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!!

I hope that everyone reading this had a great Valentine's Day! Cameron came home yesterday after his class party with a very special Valentine that a little girl from another class gave him. She is convince that they are 'made for each other' ! I pulled it out of his backpack and read it out loud (with his permission) to his Dad and sisters. I don't think he had read it yet, because bless his heart, his face turned as read as his shirt! He ran into the other room saying "oh my gosh! I am SO embarrassed!" I did have to grab it from Mikayla who wanted to call this little girl, because she had given Cameron her phone number. Now, I know my son is very handsome, but he is 9 and I am NOT ready for this yet!! I was happy though because they were allowed to make a Valentine at their party for someone special, and I am happy to say that that Valentine went to me, so for now, I am still on top!! The girls came home with candy from their friends, but if they got anything from any boys, we don't know about it. Overall, I think they had a good day.

The girls were gone a lot this weekend. They had birthday parties to go to, and they found out that two of their good friends are moving at the end of the week. They were pretty upset about it, so they spent the night at another friend's house so they could hang out and spend some time together. I know they will miss them a lot, and they won't even get to see them at school, because they are going to a completely different district, so it will be hard. I am not sure what this weekend holds, but if the weather is as beautiful as it has been the last few days, I know they will be outside with their friends all weekend. It has been in the low 60's here, with bright blue skies and some wind, absolutely perfect! If they don't have parties or plans, we may have to take a drive up to the mountains, it is just too pretty to stay inside!

That is about all that is happening here. We are planning our trip to Texas for Spring Break still. It is a little strange, this time last year, we were planning our trip to Colorado looking to move here! What a difference a year makes!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Mikayla's B-Ball Game And All Of This Winter Weather!

Mikayla had her first basketball game of the season last night against the Liberty Middle School Eagles. She and her team won both games! Mikayla rocked it with some awesome plays, and and awesome shot scoring baskets for the Fox's. Their first game was supposed to be on Tuesday evening, but since it was so cold here, school was canceled. It got down to -20 for our low that night (yes, that was the actual temperature) so the kids missed school for 2 days due to the weather. It was a good thing that they went back to school yesterday or I would've been dropping them off at their Principal's house for some tutoring! It isn't like t doesn't get cold in Denver, so we were surprised that they closed school.

A few weeks ago, we headed over to the High School for Freshman night for Alyssa. Bless her heart, she looked so nervous when we got there. We were very happy with what we heard from the Administration and she found several clubs that she is interested in joining. In fact she has already received an email from the Fashion Club about being able to come to their next meeting. She was really excited about that when I told her. She is also thinking about joining the Pom's team and there is a 6 week clinic before tryouts that she is looking at attending. I think the nerves will subside with the more clubs she joins, and she has some friends that are interested in the same clubs as well. Her pre-registration is coming up soon, and I am interested in seeing the courses she will have.

Cameron is getting ready for his Valentine's Party at school next Friday. We have to make his box for him to collect his cards, so I guess we will be doing that this weekend. He has a birthday party to go to as well, so I guess we will be a little busy. Next year will be our last year with the classroom parties and valentines and such, so I guess I better enjoy it while I can. I can't believe that the kids are growing up so fast. It is just mind blowing.

We are planning a trip down to Texas for Spring Break to see the family. The funny thing is, this time last year, we were planning a trip to Colorado for Spring Break to look into moving here! How the tides have changed! The kid's breaks are a little different, Cameron has a 2 week break and the girls only have a week, so our visit will be a little short, but at least we will be able to see everyone and that will be nice.

That is about all that is going on here in the beautiful state of Colorado. It is still snowing today, but not nearly as cold thankfully. So in other words, excellent ski weather!