Saturday, January 15, 2011

Happy New Year 2011!!

I know it has been awhile since I have posted anything but things went from crazy to insane and are just beginning to settle back down. It was a lot of fun having the kids home from school over winter break. It finally snowed here again before New Year's Eve. We decided to try a new restaurant that we saw featured on Man vs. Food and headed into Denver to go to Duffy's Cricket Burger in Cherry Creek. Holy Cow! They are the BEST hamburgers ever! You can get whatever you want on them and Bouke and I are totally diggin' the cricket burger with cream cheese and jalapenos. The girls got theirs with smoked cheddar and grilled onions and Cameron had one like me and daddy. It was SO cold though the night we went. I think it was 3 outside and I swear even though we lived in Chicago for a while, I do believe that the cold is colder here due to the dryness and the altitude. We had fun though and then we headed home to watch the ball drop in NYC. It was a quiet NYE and that is okay. I did miss going to a party with Bouke, but it was nice to be home, warm and with the kids.

School is back in session and the end of the quarter was Friday. Cameron had a heritage day at school where he was supposed to bring a dish that reflected his heritage and wear something that also reflected our heritage. We are such mutts, it was hard to narrow it down, but what I ended up sending was something Italian. He told me the day before he wanted to take something Russian and the only thing we had here that was Russian was vodka, I didn't think that was appropriate. The kid's have a 3 day weekend in observance of MLK Jr. so they are happy they get to relax this weekend. They have new cell phones, so we have ventured out to find cases that are cool enough for them to like, but other than that the weekend so far has been quiet. Mikayla had a birthday party to go to last night so we were one short for a few hours. It is always strange when one of them isn't with us. We made up the family time tonight by making homemade pizza, and watching a movie just the 5 of us. It was nice.

The girl's have basketball and volleyball season coming up and I guess that will be our next big thing. We have to head over to the High School in a week to pre-register Alyssa for her freshman year. I can hardly believe that she is going to be in high school in a few months. It just doesn't seem possible. She has been thinking about colleges lately since here in CO, they gear their high school curriculum towards what major and University they plan on attending. She wants to study art and graphic design and is looking at Harvard and NYU. I told her I got to go to school with her if she chose NYU. I know she is getting excited, but I also know she is nervous too. I still think she plans on cheering and she is looking forward to trying out at the end of the year.

That is all that is going on with The Hale's at the moment. But I am totally sure that life will be going full speed again too. I like the moments we have some down time. Makes us all appreciate them even more!