Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Is In The Air...........

I can't believe that Christmas is only a few weeks away. I haven't even thought about shopping yet! Okay, I have thought about it, then I drink a glass of wine and go to sleep. LOL. We took the kids to a beautiful historical mansion downtown last Saturday to take their pictures for the Grandmas for Christmas. It was such a beautiful day and the sky was so blue. The pictures turned out great! We had a lot of fun with them and now I have to go through all of the pictures, upload them into a book and get them ordered. At least THAT Christmas shopping will be easy. I need to enlarge one of the photos to a 16x20 for us. The last time I enlarged a photo of the three of them to that size, they were in 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade! It has been a while! We took the photos, and I have to say, I am pretty impressed with us!

Friday I spent all day baking the Hershey Kiss Peanut Butter Cookies for the kids. The recipe makes 36, and by Sunday afternoon they were all gone! I guess they liked them! I have been in the mood to bake lately, but then again, it is Christmas, and that is what you are supposed to do! I do wish it would snow though. Here we live in a place where there is supposed to be all this snow, and there isn't any around at all! We drove around Friday night looking at Christmas lights in the neighborhood, stopped in at Caribou to grab a Ho Ho Mocha, and topped the night off with Jim Carrey in The Grinch, which is our favorite holiday movie! It was a great night, and we had a lot of fun hanging out with the kids. We still haven't put out the Christmas gifts from the Grandmas that we brought back with us when we came back from Thanksgiving. I think that would be a little too tempting for them. Not that I don't trust them, but I know it is hard for them, and they would be COMPLETELY bouncing off the walls more so than they are now!

Gracie is ready for Christmas as well. I found the cutest little collar for her, that I need to go pick up so she will be dressed for Christmas. I also found her a sweater with reindeer antlers on it, but I don't think Bouke wants me to get that for her! I think she would look adorable, but he just rolled his eyes at me. That is fine though, she has her Christmas sweater with the snowman so she is still fashionable! I will get around to doing her nails red, but I don't have any green this year. A few years ago when we were still in Chicago, the groomer we took her to painted her nails red and green for us for the holidays. Hey, a girl has to look her best!

Well, that is about all that is going on with the Hale family this week. We are hanging out and hanging on, and looking forward to 2011 and the new promises and adventures it brings!

Happy Holidays!!