Sunday, September 26, 2010

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Our First Weekend in Colorado

Well, most of the boxes are unpacked; well at least the ones in the house anyway. The kids are registered and back in school, and so far, we all love it! The schools seem great, the people around here are super nice, and the weather is beautiful. We had an old friend and her two boys over Saturday to swim, and it was great to see them. Her boys are 2 and 3, so they are at that super cute age, and we all had fun playing with them. Sunday, we decided to take a drive up to Mt. Evans. It was in the mid 80's when we left, and when we got to the summit, it was in the low 50's and we even saw some snow flurries. I completely fell in love with Summit Lake. There was a ranger there and he told us all about the lake and the mountain. The permafrost was amazing, and the water in the lake was so clear and so cold. We even saw mountain goats when we reached the summit. Of course we still weren't used to the altitude, and going up to aver 14,000 feet didn't help. We got headaches and dizzy, and of course had trouble breathing. I found out later on Wikipedia that the FAA requires pilots to use supplemental oxygen when flying at that altitude! Well, NO WONDER we couldn't breath and got altitude sickness! However, it was completely worth it; it was so amazingly beautiful. I can't wait until the first snowfall so we can see all of the snow on the mountains again. All in all, not a bad first weekend in Colorado!